Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Minah rempit step out of boyfriends’ shadows

A NEW breed of illegal racers is menacing the streets with their daredevil stunts – and they are not boys, reported Harian Metro.
These minah rempit do everything their biker boyfriends do, including racing for thrills, money and sex.
The paper interviewed two girls, who confessed they started out by being groupies and gradually learned from the mat rempit how to do wheelies and other acrobatic stunts on their machines.
A self-confessed 17-year-old minah rempit, who identified herself as Lia, said she learned the ropes from her boyfriend.
“I borrowed motorcycles from friends and three months later I could speed up to 130kph,” she said, adding that her skills were still not as good as some other girls.
Lia, who is being rehabilitated at the Darul Islah welfare home in Selangor, claimed girls who mix with street racing gangs are likely to be “spoilt” as they eventually become the “trophies” for the mat rempit who wins the race.
“I was nearly a victim after my boyfriend lost a race and I had to spend the night with the victor.
“I refused and coaxed the winner to take my money, instead,” said Lia, who added that she regretted becoming a minah rempit.
A similar tale was told by 21-year-old Jun.
She said within a few weeks of learning to ride a motorcycle, she had plucked up the courage to do wheelies on her boyfriend's Yamaha RXZ.
“It’s just to show off to the boys,” said Jun of the reason why the girls were turning to racing.
> Utusan Malaysia columnist Awang Selamat lamented that many Muslims had questioned the wisdom of the National Fatwa Council, which ruled that Internet investment is haram (forbidden in Islam).
The paper, he claimed, has received numerous e-mails, letters and SMSes on the matter and many of them vented out their anger and criticised the decision.
“They seemed so blinded by money that they failed to see the reasons for the judgement,” the columnist said.
> Kosmo! warned shoppers that a major supermarket chain is duping them by changing the tags on frozen foodstuff that had passed their expiry dates.

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