Friday, May 11, 2007

How to? Wheelie

Approach in sit position, throttle slightly open, 1st gear right foot ready-to-brake. Then close the throttle shortly and lean your upper body to the front. The front-fork dives in a little bit.

In the very next moment, synchonized to the rebound of the fork: bring your upper body into an upright position again, pull back on the bar with straight arms. At the same time, open the throttle (=gas-wheelie) or shoot the clutch hard at mid-revs (=clutch wheelie, mostly used with rather small engines or heavy bikes).

Attention: Best use only one (index) finger for any clutch-wheelie, you'll need the other fingers to hold on to the bike. The right foot remains ready-to-brake- it's your life insurance!

After a while of practice, try to get closer to the tipping-point (angle about as on above) by using the throttle and the rear-brake at the same time. the tipping point has been reached as soon as you can ride the wheelie at the same speed for some distance. That is target. Avoid dropping sideways by balancing the bike with your (moving) upper body.

In case you go over the tipping point by accident: stay cool, close the throttle and hiot the rear brake to get the front of the bike down again.

Use some throttle while dropping the front in case you still have got some reverse revs at hand in order to soften the touchdown of the frontwheel.

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